Friday, June 3, 2011

Spilling what I know and love about food

Since this is my first post on my first blog, I plan on starting with the tiniest bit of history.  Then, starting next week I will begin pulling recipes, cooking and taking pictures. 

I call this blog "the baker" because I worked with someone who refused to call me a Pastry Chef, but would only refer to me as "the baker".  This person ended up stealing my pastry recipes while filling in during my vacation from The Bernards Inn.  Once Ryan had my recipes the Chef, Ed Stone, came to me and wanted to cut my salary.  Hhmmm.  A coincidence? Doubtful, right?  Well, that was my last day, and I made sure before I left that I double checked the box that held a gingerbread design of the inn that had been done the previous Christmas.  Pity it was all in pieces (smile).  I will post a picture of the intact gingerbread design on Monday.  Till then I am digging all my cooking history out of storage.